Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Profound Wit

Dorothy Parker--a woman with that rare ability to belittle people and make them feel better then ever. She really does have an excellent wit. She is a person who can take melodramas of life, experience them, and make a graceful about face which carries force. Within "Resume" (lacking accents which supersede my technical skills) she lists out all that a person might destroy themselves in a manner which convinces you that she has seriously considered them all. With lines like, "Gas smells awful" she does not pine after the person to consider the values of life by saying, "But in the end when you are trying to kill yourself; don't you think you will regret it? Self harm is so horrible, you're sure to hate the smell of gas...". No just a simple "smells awful" with a touch of lightness she sums up the whole experience and in an almost condescending way lets you know that your humanity will prevail and that it is absolutely ridicules at the same time. She ends off "Gas smells awful,/ You might as well live." Live, and continue being human, just not so stupid. She thus puts one at the top of themselves by encouraging you to be what you are at your best a well rounded human. And only through her ability to bear all the small unhappiness's of existence can she call you out on them. Excellent.

1 comment:

D. Campbell said...

As your discussion of "Resume" implies (I can't do the accents either), Chad, the poem has humor, yet there's a truth that lingers.